Wednesday, October 30, 2013

My video will teach and demonstrate how to knit. I will videotape myself knitting and using the needed materials to knit. My video will be approximately only three minutes exact,because knitting does not take a whole lot of skill. I will also do it at home that way I have more space and have everything I need in handy. :)

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

In my educational blog there will be
1)Home Tab=Learn
Titles of subjects:

  •  Education- in the education section there will be a welcoming and a brief summary of what education has done of over the years and how it benefits.
  • Teaching is a skill- in this section I will have the reasoning of teaching and a small picture on the right.
  • Learning Programs and their benefits- this section will contain information about helpful programs that will help children with their reading skills and other subjects.

2)Improve Tab- will have teaching techniques and the readiness that the program helps with
3)Provide Tab-the courses and special programs providing help for children to learn more efficiently
4)About Tab- about our staff, who we are, how we help, what we do and it will contain phone numbers, and emails for easy access to contact our staff